WeBase - Making AI Simple

WeBase aims to make advanced AI accessible for users with it’s simple to use interface.

Meet Webase

Easily use most common machine learning models with a simple API call.

AI for All

Ready to use deployable models for various industries such as Healthcare, Entertainment, E-Commerce and many more


Use WeBase’s simple graphical user interface to train, evaluate, improve, and deploy models based on your data. You’re only a few minutes away from your own custom deep learning model.

Save Time and Effort

AI as a service allows users to save both time and effort, so that they can focus on more important things.

Story so far

WeBase provides a wide array of models like NSFW classification, removing image background, colorize B/W image, gender classification, object detection, face recognition, neural style transfer, summarize text, sentiment analysis, and much more.

Made By


Software Engineer. Interested in Data Engineering and MLOps. Machine Learning enthusiast. Check out my blog fictionally-irrelevant